Why UptimeLab

We are a new saas-service that lets you monitor the uptime of your blog, website, app-backend or service.

Why us?

UptimeLab focus on making the service simple to use. You will only find what you really need. There are many Uptime Check-tools made and operated from USA, but not so many simple ones in Europe.

Why we started UptimeLab

We are using a tool called PRTG Network Monitor from German Paessler. It is a great tool for SNMP-monitoring, database-checks and also checking for website-content. It can support most kind of Windows-services and monitors. However, it only run on Windows, is expensive and need licenses in Windows, in addition to that you need IIS-activated. It is pretty big system and it does require updates and maintenance – its not just like you install a machine and forget it.

The founder of UptimeLab is a big fan of lightweight software running on Linux and PHP-applications. User-friendly interface was also a big motivation. How can we make the same features and functionality as Paessler – but be more budget friendly. Specially for people like us that monitors and runs many Linux-servers.

What do we do different

We have normal users in mind, that just needs to know if their website is down or up. For instance, many tools only lets you see if the service is up or down. Our tool checks for strings in the website – this will tell you if the database is down as well. And in the end – that is the only goal for a normal website-owner.

Blacklist checks

We now also have function for checking against a lot of blacklists on the Internet.

Small company

The team isn’t big, but we can deliver high quality on support and promise to listen for all feature-requests.

About the Author: uptimelab

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